3rd Bachelor in Medical Imaging

Applied psychology

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffDELIEGE, Laura
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2
Aims and Objectives

To analyse the anxiety mechanisms.

To implement strategies to overcome anxiety.

To help the others to face their anxiety.

Practice empathy.


Analysis of anxiety.

Pathological and normal anxiety.

Overcoming anxiety.

Therapies of thinking.

Actions against anxiety.

Managing the emotions.

How to help the others, to face they emotions.

Efficent -or inefficent- approaches, facing the anxiety.

Non-violent communication : empathy.



Dr Charles H. ELLIOTT,Dr Laura L.SMITH, Dr Martine André, Guérir l'anxiété pour les nuls, FIRST Editions.

J.P. FAURE, C. GIRARDET, L'empathie, le pouvoir de l'accueil au coeur de la communication non-violente, Editions Jouvence.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

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