3rd Bachelor in Industrial sciences (1st cycle-Industrial Engineers) Electrical engineering


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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffBRUWIER, Alfred; MERCENIER, Denys
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Computer science : Deep knowledge of C programming language

Electronics specialists : Courses of first and second year in electrical engineering.

Aims and Objectives

 Computer science : Understanding of the basic principles of multitasking operating systems

Electronics specialists : Knowledge of the principles of the main rotating machines including dc and ac machines.


Computer Science : Communication between UNIX systems / Buffered and non-buffered files /General prototype of UNIX commands / Study of shells / The make tool / Study of processes and process groups / Study of signals.

Electronics specialists : Electromechanical basis / DC current machines under constant and variable voltages / Synchronous machines and introduction to asynchronous machines.


Computer Science : UNIX et Threads / Progammer's guide d'UNIX.

Electronics specialists : Séguier Notelet - Electrotechnique industrielle - Ed. Tec et Doc / legros et Genon - Machines Electriques - Ed. Hermes Sciences / Wildi - Electrotechnique -  Ed. de Boeck


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten and/or oral examination

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