2nd Bachelor in Social Services

Local social policies

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ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffGRAVA, Eric
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Introduction to civil and constitutional law. Elements of social security.

Introduction to the history of assistance. Study of rules and structures of institutions and social services.Methodology


Aims and Objectives

Identify and discover institutional and local socio-political mechanisms in relation to various public and private decision levels.

Placing the main plans and organs on the social actions at local level.

Understanding the interactions between these institutions and their actions on local level.

Marking out the sphere of activity of the local social politics

Questioning the ethics of social work at the local level.



Review of "vectors" of local social policies: the communes, the Public Center for Social Action, but also other private or public institutions.

Overview of local social policies: information, socioprofessional integration, social assistance, the fight against debt, housing, assistance to youth and home helps


Belgian legislation and the excellent work of compilation of Ricardo CHERENTI : Manuel de l’insertion socio-professionnelle (Fédération des CPAS, 2004).


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Project or fieldwork

The course is delivered orally at a rate of 2 hours / week.

Each student is asked to analyze a service from the development of local social policy with the help of a grid of institutional analysis.

Expert visits and / or reference people outside the school are planned during the course.


Assessment MethodsOral examinations

A written test is foresseen to verify both the memorization of concepts, analytical skills and critical ability to use reference materials.


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