1st Social youth worker, Specialization in Educational Psychology - Bachelor

Communication and relationship training

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ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffBockiau, Jérome; GUIDE, Michèle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1


Aims and Objectives

To make the students aware of the dynamics of interpersonal communication, its complexity and stakes. To enable them to gradually improve their ability to communicate.

At the end of the course, students will be able to describe and criticize the main models and theories of communication and to establish links with their future professional practice.


The 1st part of the course (30h) is mostly theoretical. It focuses on two main areas: theories of transmission and theories of relationship. This section addresses the following content: definitions of communication, discovery and critical analysis of various models of communication, axioms of interpersonal communication, reflections about the educator's job, approach to the code concept through various authors from Palo Alto, discovery of the principles of negotiation.

The 2nd part of the course (15h) is mainly based on practice, on a variety of exercises that define and influence the process of interaction (feedback, context, coding, interpretation...)


A. et M. Mattelart, Histoire des théories de la communication, La Découverte (coll. "Repères"), 1995.

R. Moyson, Communiquer dans l'entreprise et dans la vie, De Boeck Université, 1996.

P. Cabin et J.-F. Dortier (dir.), La Communication.  Etat des savoirs, Sciences humaines Editions, 2008.

E.T. Hall, La dimension cachée, Seuil (coll. "Points"), 1971.

E.T. Hall, Le langage silencieux, Seuil (coll. "Points"), 1984.

J. Lohisse, La communication. De la transmission à la relation, De Boeck Université, 2001.

J. Nizet et N. Rigaux, La sociologie d'Erving Goffman, La découverte (coll. "Repères"), 2005.

P. Watzlawick, J. Helmick Beavin, Don D. Jackson, Une logique de la communication, Seuil (coll. "Points"), 1972.

P. Watzlawick, Le langage du changement, Seuil (coll. "Points"), 1980.

Y. Winkin (dir.), La nouvelle communication, Seuil (coll. Essais Série "Sciences humaines"), 1981 et 2000 pour la postface

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment
NotesIn part

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