1st Specialization in Mental Health and Psychiatry

Psychiatric pathologies: elderly people

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ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffBULFON, Patricia; DI PANFILO, Anna
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Adult psychiatry pathology course, 4th year.

Aims and Objectives

To learn the psychic phenomena inherent to ageing and the mental disorders related to this age


Introduction to the psycho geriatrics. Psychology of ageing.Taking ithe psycho-geriatical patient in charge. Pathology and treatment

· Personality disorders

· Anxiety troubles

· Depression

Pathologies with organic support , insanities and confusions


FERREY G., LE GOUES G. (2000). Psychopathologie du sujet âgé, Ed. Masson, 5ème éd., Paris, 308 pages.

CLEMENT J.P., DARTHOUT N.,(2002). Guide pratique de psychogériatrie. Médiguide, Ed. Masson, Paris, 329 pages.

ALZHEIMER EUROPE. Alzheimer, le guide des aidants, Ed. 2001, 155 pages ( disponible à la Ligue Alzheimer).

PLOTON L.(1996). Maladie d'Alzheimer, à l'écoute d'un langage, Ed. Chronique Sociale, Lyon, 170 pages.

PERSONNE M (1994). Le corps du malade âgé. Pathologie de la vieillesse et relations de soins. Ed. Privat, Toulouse, 232 pages.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures


Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Oral examinations

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