1st Specialization in Geriatrics and Psycho-geriatrics

Social legislation

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ECTS Credits4
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffChiaradia, Olivier; MAES, Marianne; Schulz, Patrick
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

To know the constitutionnal right and civil right.

Aims and Objectives

To learn the various areas of social law and the elderly, falling as labor law, the right to social security, as health policy, showing the connections between different subjects. In this way, the student may acquire a better knowledge of these specific laws in order to prepare for the demands of working life.

  • Examination of the work contract and the right of social security.
  • Study of specific laws related to the profession of the students

Moniteur Belge- Journal des Tribunaux du Travail.

Ministère fédéral des Affaires sociales : Aperçu de la sécurité sociale en Belgique. Edition 2010.

Clés pour le contrat de travail - Direction générale Relations individuelles du travail -Cellule Publications du Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale. Edition novembre 2009

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Lectures ans exercises

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

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