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3rd Bachelor in Midwifery

 ECTS CreditsNumber of Hours (h/year)
Anesthesia, analgesia and resuscitation
Ethics and Deontology
Grossesse, ante-partum et suite de couches
Pathologie de la procréation, de la gestation et de l'accouchement
General pathology
Pharmacologie spéciale
Physiology and pathology of the new-born baby including embryopathology
Principles of administration, management and health economy
Soins et surveillance du nouveau-né (néonatalogie)

Primary health care and home health care

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffVINTENS, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Cours de soins à domicile et cours d’éducation à la santé, 2ème Midwife

2nd year courses: Home care - Education to health

Aims and Objectives

To apply the principles of administrations related to the midwife independent practice.


Primary health care

Maternal and infantile health throughout the world

Organization and structure for the mother and the child protection


Revues l’observatoire: La violence et les femmes, n°1 et 2/1995 ; Solidarité socialiste ; Violence envers les femmes.

Bartoli, L., Venir au monde : Les rites de l’enfantement à travers le monde.

Publication OMS : Journée mondiale de la santé, Maternité sans risques, 7/4/98.

Les dossiers de l’obstétrique, La maltraitance n°242, 1996 ; Violence et abus sexuels n°269, 1999.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Practical cases analysis

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work

Exercises of perinatal care and principles of reeducation of perineum

ECTS Credits1
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffAGNESSEN, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

 Anatomy, physiology of the pregnancy, of the obstetrical mechanic and the postpartum. (course of physiology of pregnancy and of delivery).

Aims and Objectives

Knowing and understanding of the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on the pelvic , visceral, abdominal and spinal static of women.

Maintain the assumption of a pre - and post-natal rehabilitation.


 Anatomy of the female pelvic floor and anatomopathology.

Anatomophysiology of woman' urinary and anarectal systems.

Mictionnal disorders of woman.

Woman's disorders of defecation.

Perineal examination.

Reeducation of perineum.

Abdominoperineal and spinal rehabilitation techniques in postpartum.





 BOURCIER A., Mc GUIRE E.J., ABRAMS P., BUZELIN J.M., dysfonctionnement du plancher pelvien, Tome 2 : traitements et prise en charge, Elsevier, 2005.

CAUFRIEZ M., Post-partum: rééducation urodynamique, MC, s.d.

COTELLE O., Guide pratique de rééducation uro-gynécologique, 4ème édition, Ellipses, 2005.

DE GASQUET B., Bébé est là, vive maman. Les suites des couches, Robert Jauze, 2005.

DE GASQUET B., Abdominaux : Arrêtez le massacre, Robert Jauze, 2004.





Teaching and Learning Methods

lectures and practical exercices

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

Anthropology and sociology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffDISCRY, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To acquire notions of sociology and anthropology in relation with the thematics of the birth and the family : the sociology of first names, childhood and poverty, the socialization, the cultural traditions about birth and practices of maternage in the time and in the world, the various shapes of parentality, ...

To nurture a reflection on social behaviors in order to better understand mechanisms that underlie our society.


The sociological perspective, an application to sociology of first names

Childhood and poverty

Beliefs and rituals about birth in the world

Practices of maternage in the world

Beliefs and rituals about birth from the Antiquity to now

Fertility rates et mortality in relation with the birth in the world

The family, a reality with multiple facets


No main reference book; but a lot of book abstracts, articles, feature articles, ...

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Group seminars or workshops
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Law/Legislation related to profession and social legislation/legal protection to the mother and the child

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffCLAESSENS, Véronique
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Lectures of the prévious years.

Aims and Objectives

To understand  the legal context in which the professioal life takes place.

To understand principles of Belgian filiation law.

To understand the protection measures applying to the pregnant woman and to the child.

  • Civil liability, criminal liability, professional secrecy.
  • Protection of motherhood and the different leaves.
  • Filiation and its effects, legal capacity and incapacity.


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations
NotesIn part

Research methodology

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffVINTENS, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2


Aims and Objectives

To know methodology to be followed to complete a thesis in 4th year

To be careful to all the challenging situations that the student will meet during its placements and which would help him in the choice of a subject.

To constitute a file for the emergence of a thesis subject to be be submitted to acceptance and it will thus constitute the starting point of a thesis in the 4th year.



Stages of the realization of a thesis :

  • The subject
  • Problems
  • The theoretical pole
  • The collection of the data
  • Analyze results

AKNIN N., SION M.A., OURNIAC C., SCHABANEL H., Soins infirmiers II démarches relationnelles et éducatives, initiation à la recherche,Ed. Masson, Paris, 1998

BLANCHET A., GOTMAN A., L’enquête et ses méthodes : l’entretien, Nathan Université, Paris, 1992

DE KETELE J.M., ROEGIERS X., Méthodologie du recueil d’informations, Ed.De Boeck Université, 3ème édition, Paris, Bruxelles, 1996

HOFMANN Y., BAY L., Le travail de fin d’études : une approche méthodologique du mémoire, Ed.Masson, Paris, 1998

POISSON M., Mémoire de fin d’études infirmières, Ed. Maloine, Paris, 1998

Recherche en soins infirmiers, Spécial méthodologie n° 50, ARSI, septembre 1997

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

exercises of bursting of topics, reading and analyze of a ESW, reading and analysis of documents extracted from various ESW.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Psycho - pedagogy (clinical)

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffDUMOULIN, Françoise
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Courses of Psychology of 1st and 2nd year

Aims and Objectives

To make students aware of the psychological and corporal changes of the maternality process (traumatic)

To initiate the students with the double process of the human birth, both the biological and the symbolic birth


Pregnancy: psychology of the pregnant woman, her experience, her psychological characteristics

The unconscious phantasms which underlie the desire of child.

Birth: the point of view of the mother and the new-born baby. Open perinatalogy: social and psychological perinatal prevention.

Importance of the first parental behaviors

The role of the father, the place of the mother in the relation father-child.

The new-born baby presenting risks and parenthood presenting risks.

Breast feeding: explanatory factors of difficulties

Role of the midwife: attitude, speech

Psychological aspects of the evolution of the baby during the first months

Aspects of the new parenthood.


Dolto F., L’image inconsciente du corps, Le sentiment de soi.

Deutch H., Psychanalyse des fonctions sexuelles de la femme, PUF ; La psychanalyse des femmes : Tome 2 Maternité, Quadrige

Marino B., Le bébé est une personne.

Schaffer, Le comportement maternel, Mardaga

Bergeret Amselek C., Le mystère des mères, Desclée de Brouwer.

Les cahiers du nouveau-né.

Delassus J., Le sens de la maternité, Dunod.

Brazelton, Premiers liens, Seuil ; La naissance d’une famille

Lebovici, Etude de l’interaction parents-enfants.

Minkowski, Les nouveau-nés à risques

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Discussions, resolution of problems and situations based on the personal experience, readings, analysis, syntheses

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

Clinical teaching

ECTS Credits18
Number of Hours (h/year)400
Teaching staffBINOT, Carine; Depoitre, Nathalie; Hanon, Aline; LAMBERT, France; LENOIR, Anne; NELLISSEN, Murielle; Tondeur, Muriel; VANDEGOOR, Dominique; VINGERHOETS, Anne; VINTENS, Anne; Zalobko, Nathalie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Placements of the 2nd year

Aims and Objectives

To evaluate the health of the women, to advise them and assist them during the maternity, by considering their needs, their close relations and their belonging to a given society and culture.

To make women and their close relations take part in an active way in their situation.

To observe physiological situations, among which the eutocic delivery

To collaborate in the maintenance and the promotion of the health of the mother, the child and the family, both in the daily situations as in the situations presenting risk.

To evaluate regularly the result of its own activities as well as the actions undertaken by the members of the clinical team.


3rd year and 4th year include a minimum of 1050 hours of teaching of obstetrical care, divided as follow: minimum 350h in 3rd year and 700h in 4th year

The clinical teaching is distributed as follow:

· 150h of antenatal consultation

· 400h in predelivery room and delivery

· 100h of neonatalogy

· 150h of guidance and care to the newly-delivered woman and the new-born baby in maternity

· 100h of monitoring of pregnancy presenting risks

· 230 h choise with 50h in gynaecology and gynaecological operating room

It includes at least the following activities:

· Practice of at least 100 antenatal examinations in consultation for pregnant women

· Monitoring and care of at least 40 parturients

· Realization of at least 40 deliveries

· Monitoring and care of at least 100 newly-delivered women and new-born babies

· Monitoring and care of at least 40 pregnant women presenting high risks

The training courses are carried out:

· in the Regional Hospital Complex of the Citadelle ( Liège)

· in the Hospital Complex of the Bois de l’Abbaye and Hesbaye ( Seraing )

· in the Catholic Hospital Complex : site Ste Elisabeth and St Vincent

· in the University Hospital Complex ( site Notre Dame des Bruyères - Liège)

· in the Regional Hospital Complex ( Huy )

· in the Clinic St Nicolas ( Eupen )

· in the Clinic Reine Astrid ( Malmédy )

in the Regional Hospital Complex Peltzer La Tourelle ( Verviers)

Teaching and Learning Methods

Placements - written reports related to the activities of professional integration

Assessment MethodsContinuous assessment

written reports


Integrated application

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffNELLISSEN, Murielle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Courses and clinical teaching of the 1st and 2nd year

Aims and Objectives

Evaluation of the objectives awaited at the end of the 3rd year midwife.


Setting in real situation of the student on the ground, taking care of obstetrical situations according to the objectives of clinical teaching for the 3rd midwife

Teaching and Learning Methods

Clinical teaching and courses

Assessment Methods

Practical examination (in hospital)


Anglais scientifique

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffLEFEBVRE, Sabine; Louwette, Amélie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Some basic knowledge in English

Aims and Objectives

Students should be able to translate, understand and read scientific texts as well as understand an oral presentation in English.


Listening and reading exercices, basic translations and vocabulary exercices.

  • Textes techniques et scientifiques extraits d’ouvrages, de revues et de sites spécialisés sage-femme
  • Dictionnaire des termes techniques de médecine, Garnier- Delamare
  • Dictionnaire des sciences médicales et paramédicales, Gladstone
  • www.granddictionnaire.com    www.wordreference.com  www.howjsay.com
Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Continuous assessment

Ongoing assessment based on the work done in class (tests, participation,...) - 50% and 50% for the exam.


Principles of teaching and exercises of health education and problems of social medicine

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffVINTENS, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

2nd year course, Principles and didactic exercises in health education

Aims and Objectives

To determine the woman’s expectations as regards pregnancy, the delivery, the postpartum and to give the answer most adapted to the situation.


Role and function of the midwife

Theoretical base

The process of training

The communication

Method of training


Nouveaux cahiers de l’infirmière n°1, Santé publique

DURU G., BERIANIAK A., Economie de la santé, Masson, Paris.

Les bulletins d’éducation du patient.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

exercises on practical cases

Assessment MethodsProjects or practical work

Preparation to the delivery including the knowledge and the use of the obstetric equipment

ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffLENOIR, Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

2nd year course, Hygiene and care with the mother and the new-born baby; Eutocia

Aims and Objectives

To observe and follow the mother’s and fetus’ health during the pregnancy, the birth and the immediate postpartum

To follow the pregnant woman, the parturient and the newly-delivered woman by considering her emotional, family and social environment, her own needs and a possible pathology.

To collaborate with the other members of the clinical team (medical and paramedical) in the maintenance and the promotion of the mother’s, the child’s and the family’s health


Monitoring of the evolution of a normal pregnancy, obstetrics examination

Follow-up of labour

The eutocia delivery

· Preparation of the parturient, the delivery room and the treatment room to the new-born baby

· Labour

· Labour and complications

· The obstetrics anaesthesia

· Handling of the obstetrics file

· Follow-up of labour

· Diagnosis and expulsion phase: technique of release and diagnosis of the perineum state

· Control of placenta and of its appendices

· Administration and monitoring of the medical treatments

Immediate postpartum of the newly-delivered woman and the new-born baby

· Monitoring and care in the 2 hours which follow the delivery

HIV+ mother, mother affected with herpes simplex


Lansac J. et al., Pratique de l’accouchement, Simep

Pierre F., Bertrand J., Mémento obstétrique, 2ième édition, Ed. Maloine, 2000

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Group seminars or workshops

case study, technical experimentation

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Projects or practical work

Preparation to the birth and the parentality

ECTS Credits3
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffNELLISSEN, Murielle
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Hygiene and care of the mother and the new-born baby, 2nd form midwife

Preparation to the delivery, 2nd form midwife

Aims and Objectives

To help the woman, the pregnant woman, the parturient and the newly-delivered woman by considering its emotional, family and social environment (husband, other children...), its own needs and a possible pathology

To prepare the delivery or to help future parents to a preparation adapted to their situation

To detect situations not adapted to the child reception


· Various methods of preparation to delivery : indication, cost, refunding

· Various ways of delivery

· Postnatal rehabilitation

Family dynamics and pregnancy

· What is the responsible parenthood ?

· Role of the father during the pregnancy, at the delivery, in the postpartum, during the breast feeding, the couvade

Body image and sexuality during and after the pregnancy

Work of perinatal mourning


Lansac J., Berger C., Magrin G., Obstétrique pour le praticien, Ed. Masson 1997, 2001.

Odent M., Naître ou renaître dans l’eau.

Odent M., Votre bébé est le plus beau des mammifères.

Leboyer F., Pour une naissance sans violence. Les cahiers du nouveau-né : L’aube des sons.

Raoul E., Manuel pratique de préparation sophrologique à la maternité.

DE Gasquel B., Bien être et maternité

Bulletin UPAB

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

practical exercises

Assessment MethodsOral examinations

The information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only. The Higher Education Institution disclaims any responsibility with regard to its content.