1st Specialization in Operating Room

Principles of care as regards surgical subjects : abdominal

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffFRANCK, Colette
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Course of surgical pathology of 2nd and 3rd GN and course of abdominal procedure of 4th year spec. Operating room.

Aims and Objectives

To apply a step in perish-operational nursing care as a circulating nurse and the notions as an instrumentalist nurse: reception, installation, role and function


Surgery of the oesophagus:Zenker’s diverticulum; megaoesophagus; hiatal hernia; cancer of theoesophagus.

Surgery of the stomach: gastrostomy; vagotomy, gastrectomy.

Endocrine surgery: the thyroid, the breath

Surgery of the small intestine , jejunostomy; ilostomy ; enteroplasty.

Surgery of the colon: colostomy  ; colectomy.

Proctological surgery: hemorroïds ; fistule ileostomy; enteroplasty.

Surgery ofextra-hepatical bile duct : cholecystectomy ; bilio digestive anastomoses

Surgery of spleen: splenectomy


Surgery of obesity:sleeve ; flexible gastric ring; gastric bypass


FREXINOS J. et A.L., Hépato-gastro-entérologie clinique, Editions Simep (3ème édition), Paris, 1998.

LESTAS P. et DELAITRE B., Chirurgie digestive par voie coelioscopique, Maloine, 1991.

SAMANA G., L’infirmière au bloc opératoire, Tome 1, 2ème édition, 1998.

Inter-Bloc, Chirurgie de l’obésité morbide, Tome XX, n°3, Septembre 2001.

Dr CADIERE, La chirurgie fonctionnelle de l’estomac, Revue AFISO, n°21, 1994.

Recommandations de l’AORN concernant la technique aseptique, Revue AFISO, n°35, 1999.

COLLET D., Fundoplicature pour reflux gastro-oesophagien : technique et indication par laparoscopie, Soins Chirurgie, n°181, 1997.

HASHEMI M. (M.D.F.R.C.S.), SILLIN L.F. (M.D.) et PETERS J.H. (M.D.), Esophageal ang Gastric Diseases : Current Concepts in the Management of Paraesophageal Hiatal Hernia, Clinical Reviews, 1999.

Notes de cours BELLAICHE , MEURISSE  Traitements médicaux et chirurgicaux des pathologies digestives, Université de Liège ,2002

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsOral examinations

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