3rd Bachelor in Speech Therapy

Myofunctional disorders

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffTHOMAS, Nathalie
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

1st year course : Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of phonation, hearing and the balance ; General anatomy and general physiology

Aims and Objectives

To discover the oro-myo-functional disorders, to know the related theoretical concepts, to evaluate, prevent and rehabilitate these disorders in the child, the teenager or the adult.


Follow-up of anatomo-physiological knowledge; tubal rehabilitation; myofunctional rehabilitation in dento-facial orthopedy; benefits of manual therapy in myo-functional therapy; normal deglutition in new-born baby and adult person; the various types of dysphagia and their reeducation; oro-facial stimulations in neonatology.


BLEECKX D. (2001).

Dysphagie, évaluation et rééducation des troubles de la déglutition

. Bruxelles : De Boeck Université.

ESTIENNE, F. & al. (2004).

202 Exercices pour remédier aux incompétences vélo-pharyngées, aux dysfonctionnements tubaires et aux troubles articulatoires

, Marseille : Solal.

WOISARD, V. et PUECH, M. (2003).

La réhabilitation de la déglutition chez l'adulte

, Marseille : Solal.


Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

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