3rd Psychology Assistant - Bachelor - Orientation Psychopaedagogics and Psychomotility

Psychology applied to psychomotility

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)30
Teaching staffMARQUES, Manuela
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Good knowledge of development psychology, notions of psychoanalysis and systemic psychology

Aims and Objectives

Thorough psychoanalytical approach to child and family

Analysis of institutional team work from a systemic point of view

Synthesis of the data available (behaviour, body language, projective techniques, contextual and biographical data)


Data to be collected at the beginning of an intervention

Decoding of child games and non verbal data

Psychoanalytical view of individual and family problems

Study of similarities and conflicts between family and institution


ANZIEU et coll. Le jeu en psychothérapie d'enfants. Dunod, 2000.

G. AUSLOOS La compétence des familles. Erès, 1995.

B. AUCOUTURIER, A. LAPIERRE Fantasmes corporels et pratique psychomotrice en éducation et thérapie. Doin, 1982.

F. DOLTO - Psychanalyse et pédiatrie, Seuil, 1971.

E. DESSOY - Articles publiés dans la revue Thérapie familiale

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

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