2nd Psychology Assistant - Bachelor - Orientation Psychopaedagogics and Psychomotility

Test methodology

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)45
Teaching staffCOLLARD, Marie-Anne
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Command of the mother tongue

Aims and Objectives

To prepare the students to various test approaches.

On completion of the course, the student will be able to

- describe the main characteristics and qualities of a test

- interpret simple indicators (IQ, mental age)

- be aware of the limitations and usefulness of tests



Historic, application domains

Limits and interests of tests

Quantitative aspects of tests

Qualitative aspects of tests

Different phases of psychological examination


BERNAUD J.-L., Les méthodes d’évaluation de la personnalité, Dunod, collection « Les topos », Paris, 1998.

GUILLEVIC C. & VAUTIER S., Diagnostic et tests psychologiques, Nathan, collection 128, Paris, 1998

LIEF J. & al., Psychologie et éducation/ Notions de psychométrie, tome III, Nathan, Paris, 1968

MUCCHIELLI R., L’examen psychotechnique, ESF, 1969

PICHOT P., Les tests mentaux, P.U.F, Collection « Que sais-je ? », Paris, 1997

PLANCHARD E., Théorie et pratiques des tests, Editions Nauwelaerts, 1972

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Theoretical talks intersected with pauses of personal integration

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
NotesIn part

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