2nd Psychology Assistant - Bachelor - Orientation Clinical

Adult projection techniques

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ECTS Credits8
Number of Hours (h/year)105
Teaching staffGIOVANNANGELI, Dominique
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

psychopathological notions

Aims and Objectives

Analyse and interpret material obtained through different projective techniques and draw appropriate conclusions.

Relate these to others data, such as anamnesis, clinical contact, other personality tests and possibly efficiency tests.


Introduction and theory :

- History

- Projection notion in psychology

- Problems and validation of techniques

- Perception and projection in projective techniques

- Psychoanalytical notions and their interaction with projective techniques

- Thematic and structural techniques

Methodology :

- Use. Test scaling


Anzieu, D., & Chabert, C. (1961). Les méthodes projectives. Paris : P.U.F.

Beizmann, C. (1974). Le Rorschach de l’enfant à l’adulte. Neuchâtel : Delachaux & Niestlé.

Brelet, F. (1986). Le T.A.T. (Thematic Apperception Test). Fantasme et situation projective : Narcissisme, fonctionnement limite, dépression. Paris : Dunod.

Chabert, C. (1997). Le Rorschach en clinique adulte : Interprétation psychanalytique. Paris : Dunod.

Exner, J.E. (1995). Le Rorschach : Un système intégré. Paris : Editions Marco Pietteur.

Exner, J.E. (1993). Manuel de cotation du Rorschach pour le système intégré. Paris : Edition Frison-Roche.

Rausch de Traubenberg, N. (1970). La pratique du Rorschach. Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.

Shentoub, V. (1990). Manuel d’utilisation du T.A.T. (Approche psychanalytique). Paris : Dunod.

Stern, E. (1960). Le test d’aperception thématique de Murray (T.A.T.) : Description, interprétation, valeur diagnostique. Neuchâtel : Delachaux & Niestlé S.A.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Clinical case studies. Students are expected to take an active part in test scaling and protocol analysis.

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations

Test scaling and protocol analysis.


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