1st Specialization in Geriatrics and Psycho-geriatrics

Deontology and ethics

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ECTS Credits2
Number of Hours (h/year)15
Teaching staffDENOEL, Nicole
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1 and 2

Notions of deontology obtained in the previous lectures.

Aims and Objectives

To raise ethic questions and discussions between participants from different paramedical studies in order to call in question a priori ideas

To take into consideration the pluralism of values of a modern democratic society.

To be sensitive to the variety of questions risen by any medical or paramedical action.

To know the legal and institutional bases


Conceptual frame:

· Ethics, morale, deontology, law…

· The health jobs

· Deontologic principles applied to the different professions

· Medical deontology

· Basic principles of the medical ethics

Institutional references in Belgium and abroad

· The different forms of Ethic Committees.

· Charters, Codes, Agreements and Pacts

· The Universal Declaration of the Human Rights

· The Agreement on the Human Rights and Biomedicine

· The Charter of the Rights and Liberties of the Elder dependant person.

· The law about euthanasia

Ill-treatment of elder persons

· Abuse indicators

· Preventive measures, legal measures, assistance to victims.

Ethics of end of life :

· Therapeutic obstinacy

· Euthanasia

· Situation on national and international level

· Various philosophic approaches

Ethics of the lifeless body.


COBBAUT J.P. (2004),

Droit et éthique de la santé

, syllabus diffusé par Résodoc, UCL, Bruxelles


GIRARDIER J. et al. (2005),

Les situations extrèmes en soins palliatifs

, Unité de soins palliatifs : La Mirandière, France


LAMAU M.L. (1996),

Manuel des soins palliatifs

, Ed. Dunod, Paris, 559 p.


LEGAULT G.A. (1999),

Professionnalisme et délibération éthique : manuel d'aide à la décision responsable

, Presses de l'Université du Québec, Sainte-Foy, 206 p.





: Ethica Clinica, 1998 à 2006


Le Moniteur Belge : Recueil des Lois et arrêtés Royaux













Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures

Interactive lecture. Analysis of official documents and texts. Anslysis of cases and real situations. Meetings with other professionals and intervening parties at school or outside

Assessment MethodsOral examinations
Projects or practical work

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