3rd Bachelor in Management Computing

Distributed Systems and Web Services

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ECTS Credits5
Number of Hours (h/year)60
Teaching staffCAPRASSE, François
MADANI, Mounawar
Course UnitCompulsory
TermQuad. 1

Mastering of C++ or Java basics, understanding of object oriented software architectures.

Aims and Objectives

 Mastering the main principles and techniques related to EJB and Web Services , being able to use them to build a distributed application

Identifying the roles played by software components or computer scientists(developers, packagers, deployers...)  during  all the lifecycle of an distributed application using EJB



 1st part: Web Services(SOAP, RESTful) - Creating a Web Service in .Net and Metro, using  protocols and standards, description of a Web Service, security, UDDI and Web service discovery, programming a client.

2nd part: JEE, Enterprise JavaBeans - What are the JavBeans, introduction - EJB and JEE platform - EJB: main architecture, programming a simple EJB, packaging and deployment, Session EJB, Entity EJB and persistence.

3rd part : WCF introduction


EJB Specification   :  http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=220

JEE  Specification  :  http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=244

WSDL Specification   :  http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl

SOAP Specification  : http://www.w3.org/TR/soap/

JEE tutorial  : http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/tutorial/doc/

Raghu R. Kodali and Jonathan Wetherbee,(2006) Beginning EJB 3 Application Development. APress.

John Sharp. Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step. Microsoft Press, 2007.

Teaching and Learning MethodsLectures
Laboratory work
Project or fieldwork

Theory in auditorium, supported by slide shows.

Team Laboratories (2 students/team). Job defined on base of a requirement document focusing on a specific chapter of the course

Assessment MethodsWritten examinations
Oral examinations
Continuous assessment

In January :  Questionnaire assessing the theory.

Continuous assessment based on the different jobs achieved by the students in laboratories + oral assessment in January of these jobs.



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